(no subject)

Jan 14, 2006 12:53

I just wrote 260 words of one of the request ficlets! Go me! It's about Harry and Draco, and it's gen. I feel like such a cock tease.

I think I'll try the Ginny/Luna, Anthony after this.

Then the smutty James/Lily.

I keep thinking about the wizard_trauma fic that's due tomorrow. I won't have it done by tomorrow, but I do hope to write it at some point. It's just that I've been fiddling with it for several weeks and it's just not working, so I need to let it simmer for a while. I think it might work if I concentrated on the aftermath of the breakup, rather than the breakup itself. In other words, if I take Remus out of the story and just make it about Tonks coping and learning how to stand on her own.

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