[rent ficlet] Gifts (Mark, Maureen, PG-13)

Jan 01, 2006 17:56


Fandom: Rent
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Mark, Maureen
Ships: just the canon ones
Summary: Set about a year after the end of the musical. Mark needs an opinion and he trusts Maureen to be brutally honest.
A/N: Approx. 840 words. My fourth Hanukkah ficlet. (Yes, I am very behind. Tonight is the last night of Hanukkah and I have four ficlets left to write!) The prompt for this one was presents. It was supposed to be about Mark and Joanne originally, but once I figured out what it was going to be about, Maureen seemed more appropriate.

( Gifts )

fic: 2005, fic: rent, fic: hanukkah ficlet

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