[hp fic] That Don't Make You No Lamb (Bill/Fleur, NC-17)

Aug 31, 2005 15:27

That Don't Make You No Lamb

Rating: NC-17
Ship: Bill/Fleur
Summary: "You run to the wolf in me; that don't make you no lamb."
A/N: Written for froda_baggins's erotic_elves Fantasy Fest request: Bill is not convinced Fleur still loves him after his disfigurement; Fleur convinces him. Romantic, light on kinks please, though slightly dominant, wolfish Bill is okay. Proofread by krabapple. Thank you to louve_mae for the help with Fleur's French.
ETA: Per erotic_elves's new policy, this story has been locked and can only be viewed by members of the community. Sorry for any inconvenience.

( A week before their wedding, Fleur decides to teach Bill a lesson. )

fic: 2005, fic: hp (harry potter), fic: hp: char.: weasleys

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