Multiple Fic Links (HP)

Dec 03, 2004 15:41

Spiced Wine
Ship: Sirius/Remus
Rating: R
Setting: post-series
Summary: They've known each other for almost thirty years, but this only the third Christmas Remus and Sirius have spent alone together. Without any supervision.
One could not spend so many months beyond the Veil and come back the same. But Sirius was relearning himself.


Beautiful Things
Ship: Sirius/Remus
Rating: PG-13
Setting: 1977
Summary: In which Sirius is stubborn, and Remus has an epiphany and finds a new secret to keep.
Remus will tell him, sometime when he’s fully awake and can appreciate the beauty of a baffled Sirius.


Fire and Ice
Ship: Charlie/Tonks, background Bill/Tonks
Rating: NC-17
Setting: nebulous (probably post-OotP)
Summary: Tonks is a fabulous woman, but she can't have Remus Lupin. In compensation, and as tribute to her general coolness, she will make her way through the younger generation of Weasleys. I think that's fair.
So this is what it feels like to be handled by a bloke who handles dragons


Be Your Ride
Ships: Ron/Hermione, Bill/Remus, background Sirius/Remus and Hermione/Sirius
Rating: PG
Setting: post-OotP
Summary: The ones Sirius left mourn him separately and together. (For ajaxbreaker, based on two of her drabbles.
'He sounds like a real git,' Ron remarked. 'He was,' Bill agreed. 'He was a rebel, and he loved his image as a rebel. Always in your face with it, he was. But the thing is, he meant it. For good or bad, there was nothing insincere about Sirius Black.'


Midnight Conversation #3 (revised)
Ships: background Sirius/Remus
Rating: PG-13
Setting: 1977
Summary: After the Prank, Peter Pettigrew finds himself in a precarious position; does he stand by his friend, or play it safe?
In his nightmares they left him alone in the Shrieking Shack.


Trespass Sweetly Urged
Ship: Ginny/Luna
Rating: R
Setting: post-OotP
Summary: Ginny follows the butterfly.
Luna got a tattoo over the summer...


You're Welcome
Ships: Nick/Sylvie, Remus/Sirius
Rating: PG-13
Setting: summer, 1976
Summary: Nicholas Lupin comes to terms with his son, and his son's lover.
What Nick did not like -- what he hated, in fact -- was the way Sirius flinched almost every time his gaze met Nick’s, as though the man had caught the boy stealing or trespassing.


Ship: Sirius/Remus
Rating: R
Setting: mid-OotP
Summary: "Tell me a story," said Remus.
'All right,' Remus says, smiling. 'I'll stay. But you have to make it worth my while.'

fic: hp: char.: luna, fic: 2004, fic: hp: pairing: ginny/luna, fic: hp: char.: tonks, fic: hp: pairing: sirius/remus, fic: hp (harry potter), fic: hp: pairing: ron/hermione, fic: hp: char.: weasleys

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