(no subject)

May 27, 2004 15:39

The weather's supposed to be good this weekend, so I'll leave MN on Saturday. I'll spend 2 nights in SD, then go through...which is next? Wyoming? I'm going to swing south, I think, and drive through Yellowstone, then continue southwest for about a day so I can see the Moon Crater Park, or whatever it's called. Then I'll swing back up north through Idaho, and arrive in Pullman, WA! There'll be puppies and kitties at the end of this schlep. That makes me happy.

The car's in great condition. I just filled the tank. I took Will for a thirty-mile drive this afternoon. He did all right. He whimpered a little (no cat can whimper like mine) but he didn't seem too traumatised when I let him out again. Good boy!

I'm making mix CDs, packing, and plugging away at my Veilfic. It's so sad. *whimpers like Will* Everyone's mad at everyone else. Oh, well. It ends relatively happily. For two people, at least.

Speaking of stories, rynne, have you had time to look at the kiddies!fic? I'd like to post it before I leave, but if you're totally swamped I'll understand.
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