fic: Good Tidings (Justice League - Cartoons)

Dec 31, 2015 23:14

Title: Good Tidings
Fandom: Justice League/Justice League Unlimited
Rating: All ages
Word Count: 4425
Characters/Ships: J'onn J'onzz, Diana, Wally West, John Stewart, Oliver Queen, Dinah Lance, Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne (Oliver/Dinah, Diana/Bruce)
Summary: AKA "How I Spent My Winter Vacation" by the Justice League

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and I had fun writing it, once I settled on a plot. For a while I was thinking of doing something set in Kasnia, after it starts to democratize. But I had trouble figuring out how all these characters were going to be involved. Diana was obvious, and I thought Oliver might have some interesting things to say, but the rest were a mystery. Then I rewatched "Comfort and Joy," which is the JL Christmas episode and realized it could do with a sequel. (Diana's comment to Bruce about being owed a dance is a reference to one of the Kasnia episodes - "Maid of Honor," I think.)

The trickiest section to write was Oliver's, since I wanted the protesters to be a group with serious, realistic concerns, but I didn't want to significantly alter the tone of the story. I also didn't want Oliver to come across as mansplaining or whitesplaining. He knows better! Eliza is totally in charge. Oliver and Dinah are just helping out.

I also wanted one of the characters to be celebrating something other than Christmas. Diana seemed like the obvious choice, which meant I had to do some research on Ancient Greek traditions. I didn't find as much information as I wanted, so I was deliberately vague. If I got anything wrong, I apologize.

Anyway. I didn't know who my recipient shipped - if anyone - so I stuck to canon. Though, in my heart, there's a smidge of John/Wally.

I knew my recipient was a Broadway buff, particularly "Les Mis" and "Hamilton," so I threw in a couple of Easter Eggs. The "Les Mis" references are obvious. Eliza, the leader of the protesters, is named for Eliza Schuyler Hamilton, and Graham Windham - the social services organization that Bruce is raising money for - is the real Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton's orphanage (still operating, 200 years after its founding!)

fic: 2015, fic: yuletide, fic: dcu

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