(no subject)

Aug 03, 2011 16:41

I'm the featured author over at jim-and-bones this week, which is kind of cool and kind of makes me blush. (Well, lots of things make me blush.) It's here if anyone wants to read about my writing process. (Er, the post is locked to community members, but anyone over 18 can join.) In retrospect, I should probably have talked more about exactly what draws me to Kirk and McCoy as characters, but ... I guess what captivates me is pretty obvious if you've read my stories. It's not just because they're pretty.

This is cool: the history of science fiction in the form of a whale-shaped map.

And these are freaking adorable: Steampunk minions. I want one.

Also, I have an X-Men fic to post, if I could just come up with a damn title.

Btw, whoever recommended that I read The Lost Books of The Odyssey by Zachary Mason (I can't remember which of you)? Thank you! I'm nearly done with it, and I love it.
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