This one is for
maypirate: ♥
Sulu didn't get to go on the away mission to New York City, and he is kind of bitter.
"But, Hikaru..."
"How could you not take me with you, Jim? I thought I meant something to you!"
"But I brought you stuff! I brought you bears..."
"And chocolate..."
"And all kinds of cakes, including this gingerbread house I just finished decorating."
"I also brought you jewelry..."
"And all these other presents!"
"Forget it, Jim. I'm never going to forgive you."
"But ... I also brought you this model of the Enterprise. And a pony!"
"The Enterprise, huh?"
"Yeah. And, Hikaru..."
"Did you hear something, Jim?"
"I also got a new captain's chair. It reclines."
*sigh* "Jim Kirk. What am I going to do with you? What am I not going to do with you?"
"You know, I could've sworn I heard something that time..."
"Shut up and make out with me, Hikaru."
The End.