I forgot I'd made these room boxes for my excess dollhouse furniture. This one features Kirk and McCoy and a special guest star. Er. Not exactly WS, although everyone keeps his clothes on.
Once upon a time, Kirk and McCoy were canoodling on the sofa.
(I found some miniature moccasins for McCoy. I have no idea where they came from. I just found them in a drawer yesterday morning.)
"Mmm, Bones...!"
Toppy Jim is toppy.
Here's a better view of the fireplace. :)
"Oh, shit! It's a Gundam!"
"Stand back, Bones. I'll protect you!"
"Jim, don't be a dumbass. His gun is as big as you are! There has to be a peaceful solution!"
"See? I told you, Jim. Lemonade and pineapple upside down cake is the answer to everything."
"Except my hard-on, Bones. You are still getting laid."
The end.