(no subject)

Feb 05, 2011 23:14

Nearly finished re-watching Season 4 of Buffy. It's better than I remembered. As a whole, it isn't as strong as some of the others, but it has some wonderful moments.

Adam is interesting, but I don't think he was as developed as he could have been. We had whole episodes where he barely got a mention, despite being the Big Bad. I think they should have kept Maggie Walsh around longer and let us see Adam interact with her. He keeps talking about her vision. Seeing her articulate that vision to him would have been nice.

His deadpan deliveries amuse me.

I don't like Spike after S3. I used to adore him, but now he annoys me. Although - he had some good moments. Mostly with Harmony. I think I like Spike best when he's playing out these sort of twisted parodies of affection. (Well. With Drusilla it was real.) He becomes a bit too much for me when he's hanging around the Scoobies.

Amber Benson becomes more beautiful with each episode, so that, by the end of the season, her loveliness is so great it can't be quantified.

I know I'm in the minority, but I don't dislike Riley. He isn't Buffy's great epic love, but - I'm actually not that into vampires. I like seeing her out in the sunlight. I like the idea that she can have sex and enjoy it and not bring on the end of the world. I like the idea of Riley, but he could have been developed better.

Relationships on BtVS make me sniffly. They almost never work out, and somehow, it's right that they don't, but it still makes me sad. I'm thinking of Willow and Oz here. *sigh* High school loves.

But then there's Tara! I love Tara.

I love Faith. I don't think I can relate to her in any way, but holy crap, I love that girl. She is such a gorgeous mess.

Giles should sing more often. Unf.

I might have more random thoughts later. For now, that is all. I still need to watch "Restless."

tv: buffy

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