Aaaand, I lost my momentum on the BtVS fic. I think the problem is Willow. I love her, but writing her dialog? Really damn hard.
Don't forget Scotty Fest starts tomorrow! Depending on what time I get home from work and how tired I am, I'll either set up the post tonight or tomorrow morning. Get ready to leave and fill prompts. Fics, graphics, mixes, meta, recs ... it's all good. The world needs more Scotty love. There'll be mirror posts on Livejournal and DreamWidth.
ETA: I posted three ficlets last night, inspired by
bridge2sickbay prompts:
in which Gaila pegs Kirk, Winona rescues George, and Kirk is secretly a gentleman to an unexpectedly vulnerable Uhura.
Also, copied from
Ask me a fandom-related question in the comments. This can be fandom specific, general, or about fandom/lj stuff/fic writing/etc. in general. Questions can be as wacky as you want. Ask me about tv shows, characters, fanfic in general, fandom issues/meta, anything about any of my stories specifically. Whatever you want.