Bridge2Sickbay ficlets

Dec 20, 2010 14:54

I wrote these last night, for bridge2sickbay. The theme was "things that fly."

Spock & Kirk - reindeer | 318 words | all audiences

On their first try, Spock yanked the Christmas cracker right out of Jim’s hand.

“I do not believe that this was the desired result,” he said, frowning slightly at the foil-wrapped thing.

“Yeah, no. Sorry. Didn’t take into account your Vulcan strength. Let’s try again,” said Jim.

So they did, and this time, Spock didn’t yank quite so hard, Jim didn’t almost lose his footing, and the Christmas cracker came apart with a loud POP!, its contents flying every which where.

“An interesting custom,” Spock observed as Jim dropped to the floor and started scrabbling around for things.

“Where’s your sense of fun, Spock?” Jim asked, filling his hands with paper crowns, strings of plastic beads, and other cheap trinkets.

“I do not have one.”

“No kidding.” Jim climbed back to his feet. He walked right up to Spock and pushed something onto his nose.


“Suits you, Spock. Have a look.”

Spock turned and glanced at his reflection in the transparent aluminum window. The captain had affixed to his nose a red rubber bulb. He lifted an eyebrow.

“You’re Rudolph, Spock! You know Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer?”

“I cannot say that he is among my acquaintances,” Spock replied dryly. He started to lift his hand to remove the rubber nose.

“Don’t, don’t!” Jim protested, batting his hands away from his face. “You need to keep it on. It’s important.”


“Yes, indeed,” said Jim, grinning. He jerked his thumb at the window. “It’s dark out there. I need you up on the bridge, lighting my way. Spock, with your nose so bright, won’t you guide my ship, tonight?”

Spock’s eyebrow arched higher. “Really, Captain, your sense of humor is most…” He took a step away from Jim and squeezed the nose between his middle and index fingers. It lit up brightly. “Singular,” he concluded while the captain laughed and bounced on the balls of his feet.


Kirk/McCoy - Fuck (as in don't give a flying...) | 227 words | teen

Jim was there when Bones appeared on the transporter pad, looking bruised and battered, but alive, thank fuck.

He stayed there, hands twitching at his sides, while Chapel scanned Bones with her medical tricorder.

“I’m f-” Bones started to say, but Chapel gave him a glare and he shut his mouth. Finally, after what felt like an eternity to Jim, she lowered the tricorder and said with a sigh, “All right, you’re fine. Except for some bruising and minor lacerations, which you’ll want-”

That was enough for Jim. He brushed passed her, grabbed Bones by the shoulders and crushed their mouths together. Surprised, Bones staggered a little, but Jim only gripped him harder, holding him upright while he parted those - cracked, bloodied, ohgod - lips with his tongue and pushed inside. Bones groaned against his mouth, a low, broken sound that was like a punch to Jim’s stomach, and then his hands were grasping the front of Jim’s uniform, and he was kissing him back hungrily, desperately.

This was wrongwrongwrong, Jim knew. To treat Bones like this in front of his crew, when no man or woman was supposed to be more important than another. But this was Bones. And he’d nearly lost him. And here he was, warm and safe in Jim’s arms. As for the rest - he didn’t give a flying fuck.


fic: 2010, fic: st aos: char.: spock, fic: st aos (star trek), fic: st aos: pairing: kirk/mccoy, fic: st aos: char.: kirk

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