ficlets: Star Trek AOS & Star Wars

Nov 21, 2010 20:52

Title: Finishing Touches
Fandom: Star Trek AOS
Rating: teen
Pairing(s): Kirk/McCoy
Prompt(s): Inspired by an image posted to jim_and_bones a few weeks ago: Captain Fine with extra-poofy hair. (Link goes to my scrapbook.) 280 words.

He’s halfway out the door when Bones catches his arm and reels him back.

“Oh, no. Not like that you’re not.”

“Bones, what the…? I need to be in the conference room in-”

“I know,” Bones says with ridiculous calm as he spins him around so they’re face-to-face. “Two minutes. Stand still. Damn it, don’t slouch. And don’t look at me like that.”

Jim keeps glowering because it’s what Bones deserves. What the fuck? Messing with his hair, after he spent all that time getting it in place. He has a meeting with Admiral Nogura via subspace, and he needs to look like a Starfleet captain, not an Iowa farmboy playing dress up.

“I never knew you were a beautician on the side,” he says testily as Bones continues to comb and pat and tuck. Actually, those long, sure fingers in his hair feel pretty good. His heartbeat quickens and the blood starts pounding through his veins and arteries. Maintaining his stony appearance is starting to become a challenge.

“I’m just a plain old, country doctor,” Bones says with an amused curl to his lips. “And you, darlin’, are not Elvis.” He gives Jim’s hair one last stroke, then drops his hands, stepping back to admire his work.

“Well,” demands Jim, aware that his cheeks are getting hot and his dick is getting hard and he needs to be in the conference room seriously like now. “Do I pass muster?”

Bones chews thoughtfully on his lower lip for a few more seconds. “Yeah,” he says at length, “now I’d fuck you.”

“Now I have to go. Asshole.”

Bones smiles innocently and gives his forehead a quick kiss.



These two were written for boosette's Learn From My Fail Comment Fest

Title: Duck and Cover
Fandom: Star Trek AOS
Rating: all ages
Pairing(s): George/Winona
Prompt(s): "Roasting chestnuts yourself isn’t as great as it sounds if you don’t COMPLETELY score the bottom of each one: you may end up cowering in the corner of your kitchen while they explode all over." 278 words.

At the first loud POP! Winona grabbed the baby and dove for cover.

“What the…?” George began.

“Get down!” Winona hissed, making a frantic grab for his wrist.

A few seconds later, he was huddling under the table with her, baby Sam snug between their bodies and looking up at them with bewilderment in his huge blue eyes. Above and around them, an acrid stench and the sound of exploding chestnuts filled the air.

“You’re supposed to score them before you roast them!” George shouted over the noise.

“I know!”

“Why didn’t you?”

“Because I didn’t know then.” To hide her tears of laughter, Winona buried her face in Sam’s soft hair.

“You know what this reminds me of?” George asked as chestnuts pinged off the table and pelted the linoleum.

Winona lifted her head. “Dornos IV?”

“Exactly. Though I think I prefer chestnuts to flaming clumps of zart turd.” He sighed. “Tell me again why I want to go back into space?”

Winona flashed him a grin. “Same reason you married me. For fun. Here, take the baby. I’m going to turn off the burner.” She started to pass Sam to him.

George shook his head and started to unfold his legs. “You hold onto him. I’ve got this one.”


“You saved my ass on Dornos IV. I owe you.”

“Well, all right. But be careful.” A chestnut glanced off the edge of the table, mere inches from George’s head.

His smile was dazzling. He kissed her forehead, then leaned down to kiss Sam. “Always.”

As George cautiously extricated himself from the table, Winona called, “I have your back, just in case.”

“Always,” he acknowledged.


Title: Known
Fandom: Star Wars
Rating: all ages
Pairing(s): Han/Leia
Prompt(s): "Unless you are Han Solo 'I know' is not an appropriate response to 'I love you'." 280 words.

He always responds I know, and, in secret, she likes those words better than Me too or even I love you too. They’re more powerful, truer perhaps. He knows how she feels. He knows her. Down to her core, it sometimes seems. And she’s comfortable with that, with being so understood by a man, for perhaps the first time in her adult life.

Curled in his arms, in their apartment on Coruscant or their bunk on the Millennium Falcon, Leia lets her mind and spirit wander out into space. Like a wave, the Force catches her up and carries her far beyond the confines of her skin and bones, out among the shimmering swirls of galaxies and the rainbow wisps of the nebulae.

She could lose herself in the chilling emptiness between the stars. There are times when it’s tempting. The fall of the Galactic Empire did not bring automatic peace, and there are days when she misses the feel of a blaster in her hand and the ability to recognize her enemy by his uniform.

Even asleep, Han won’t let her drift away completely. The beat of his heart beneath her cheek is like the pulse of the universe; his arms are warm, and they tighten instinctively when she begins to shiver.

To be so known. By this man, of all men.

Leia opens her eyes and lifts her head slightly. She touches her fingertips to his neck, feeling each breath as if it were her own. She could wake him with a deeper touch, or with the words that are always on her lips, crouched behind the sharp remarks.

I love you.

Knowing what he will say in response.


fic: 2010, fic: st aos: char.: winona kirk, fic: st aos (star trek), fic: st aos: pairing: kirk/mccoy, fic: star wars

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