(no subject)

Oct 08, 2010 19:50

  • Spent most of the day running errands. I'm putting together a care package for my brother in Iraq, and I had to hit a few different stores. He wanted a rubber stamp with the word ILLEGAL, so I got him one. Not that he can use it on official documents, but hey. I got him some red ink too.

  • Yeah, so I didn't write my girlsavesboyfic story. I think right now I'm going to tackle the prompts I requested back in July. I have eight to go. *g* And I need to start plotting out my space-wrapped story. It's a Hanukkah story! It's set in Iowa, and I'm wondering if I should put ♥ Sam ♥ in it. Make it a sort of unofficial sequel to the Epic. (Can't help but picture adult!Sam as CPine with a pornstache.)

  • I'm about to order my stepdad's birthday present from Amazon. By itself it's $23, which means that if I want free shipping, I have to get myself a little something too. *sigh*

  • My car is giving me the "check engine" light again. Crap.

  • From grrliz:

    1. My best trip ever...
    2. Is it still a trip of I was there for nine months? If yes, then my first trip to Scotland (2000 - 2001). If not, then maybe my most recent trip to New York City (2009). Actually - well, no, the Adirondacks wouldn't count, since we went there every year from the time I was eight months to the time I was twenty-one.
    3. My worst trip ever...
    4. Uhhh, I didn't have as much fun in Los Angeles as I'd hoped. I couldn't drive and my cousin - with whom I was staying - taught during the day. Plus I caught a cold, and it was March so it wasn't particularly balmy. I want to go back, though.
    5. Most important thing I ever lost on a trip...
    6. My heart. To Scotland! (And to a boy.)
    7. Most important thing I ever forgot to take on a trip...
    8. Nothing. Seriously.
    9. Thing I miss most when I'm away...
    10. My cats.
    11. Thing I miss least when I'm away...
    12. Routine.
    13. Favorite travel partner...
    14. Don't really have one. I travel alone so often. Though one of my friends from college turned out to be unexpectedly good company once.
    15. Place I hope to travel to someday...
    16. the American Southwest
    17. What's your first travel memory?
    18. Picking strawberries with my grandpa in Florida.
    19. Name one place that you traveled to as a kid and returned to as an adult.
    20. Florida.
    21. Was it weird?
    22. No.
    23. How do you sleep on airplanes: booze, drugs or au natural?
    24. I don't sleep on airplanes. Which made the twenty-hour flight home from Japan torture.
    25. Name one thing you think every traveler should see before they die.
    26. I don't know. Glencoe, Scotland.
    27. Where have you been that you would not recommend to others?
    28. There are certain rides at Disney World that I wish I could excise from my memory.
    29. Name one non-travel thing you learned on a trip.
    30. Uh. I learned a bunch of card games, then forgot all of them.
    31. Do you play any games when you travel, like counting convertibles or mullets?
    32. No.
    33. What's an awesome idea for a theme park that no one has thought up?
    34. I'm not convinced that we need another theme park.
    35. Name the coolest animal you've seen in the wild and tell why you loved it.
    36. I saw a lot of cool fish and turtles and whales when I was in the Great Barrier Reef, off the coast of Australia. I don't know that any of them were particularly amazing, but they were THERE! And I was THERE! And it was COOL!
    37. If you could go to Bora Bora with anyone, who would it be?
    38. I should say my BFF, since we've never traveled together, but then the likelihood of me getting laid would be about zero. I would very much like to have hot sex on a vacation, and Bora Bora sounds like a nice place for it.
    39. What's the weirdest thing you've eaten on your travels?
    40. Weird is subjective, but people in the States tend to get wide-eyed when I say I've eaten pickled jelly fish (in Japan).
    41. Yellowstone or Yosemite?
    42. Both.
    43. What country do you think has the best traditional fashion?
    44. SCOTLAND! Of course.
    45. Name one place in the USA you've never been to but want to see.
    46. Uh, the Southwest. I've never seen the desert. Any desert. And I want to.
    47. Road trips: Love or hate?
    48. Shortish ones are fun.
    49. Do you or have you ever lived abroad?
    50. Yes, twice. Nine months in Scotland and one year in Japan.
    51. Do you sleep in when traveling, or get up at the crack of dawn?
    52. Crack of dawn, but usually because I have trouble sleeping in a bed that isn't my own, so I just roll with it.
    53. Name three things you hate about being away from home.
    54. I miss my bed, I always worry about things back home, everything is so expensive.
    55. Name three things you love about travel.
    Meeting new people, eating new foods, getting inspired.
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