(no subject)

Sep 20, 2010 11:55

  • Left Alone To Wander, the epic story of Sam Kirk's epic angst, is done and posted. Yay! And I'm really, really pleased with it. I'd worried that the kid would be unsympathetic, but I really came to like him ... over the course of 10.3k. There's something so fun about exploring very minor characters, and weaving their lives with those of the characters who are more thoroughly detailed in canon.

    Not sure where I see Sam going from here. I don't really have the heart to follow TOS and kill him off. I do so love writing about siblings. And characters who love each other like siblings.

    I'm still rather tempted to drive into Saint Paul and buy the rabbit that inspired Sam's. Oh, the things I would do if I had a job.

  • Spent yesterday at the Renn Faire. It was fun. I haven't been in four years, but everything was exactly as I remembered it. I wish I could have found my snood, so I could have worn it, but it's in one of the boxes in my mom's garage. It's fun just walking around there and seeing what's what. It was a little too nippy for chainmail bikinis, but there were some good costumes. I got a silver hair clip which ACTUALLY CONTAINS MY HAIR (if I iron it straight). Huzzah! There was something else I wanted to get but forgot until I got home. Oh, well. Next time.

    Then I went for a 4.4 mile bike ride, mostly in the dark because my headlight is dying. Gah. It wouldn't have mattered so much in Milwaukee where there are streetlamps, but out here in the country it was DARK.

  • Then I slept for almost 11 hours. O_o I was driving like a crazy person, which was awful because I'm a pretty safe driver IRL. Most of it took place at Smith College, and there were parallel universes, and someone kept playing the theme from "The Adventures of Robin Hood" (the Errol Flynn movie). What.

  • I watched all three Jason Bourne movies. I didn't look at the cast, so I spent the first two films thinking that Brian Cox's character was played by Albert Finney. So when the REAL Albert Finney showed up in the third film, with a different name, a different accent, and no explanation, it confused the HELL out of me. Also, the car chases went on way too long, and there wasn't enough exploration of what it means to have an identity lost, etc. But! I like Matt Damon and Joan Allen a lot, and Franka Potente is rather adorable. And Karl Urban was rather handsomely evil in the second film, so.
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