(no subject)

Sep 17, 2010 10:28

  • Holy crap, I want to go to Washington, DC at the end of October to see the Stewart/Colbert rallies, omg. If only I had a job. *wails*

  • Mom brought my dinosaur earrings to work with her the other night and managed to sell 5 pairs for me. \o/ Some people said they'd probably buy more around the holidays, so I guess I'm going to keep the store active after all.

    Also, someone suggested I make cell phone charms. There's an idea. I'd have to get some glaze, since the dinosaurs are sturdy (the first pair I ever made is still good-as-new after 13+ years of wear and travel) but cell phone charms tend to get banged around more than earrings. I bet I could come up with something.

  • Posted a short ST AOS fic last night: Four Days (Kirk/McCoy | all ages | 700 words). It was written in response to an image prompt, and it's pretty self-indulgent h/c.

  • But now that that's out of my system, and I've rewritten a big chunk of the last part of the Sam story, I swear I am going to get started on my where-no-woman story. Actually, I've started it already. I just don't like the beginning much. But I think I'm going to push forward, see where it goes, and rewrite the beginning if need be.

  • I posted all of the Forever 'verse to AO3 yesterday. All five stories. 54,015 words total. Wow. And it isn't quite done, because I need to write a ficlet about Gigi. I realized that by the time she's in her early 20s, Number One is probably going to be in her 70s/80s, and if Starfleet has any sense, they'll have made her an admiral or a commodore or something by then. So I'm going to stick Gigi on Sulu's Excelsior. But they all still answer to One. I still see Sprague Grayden as Joanna and Katee Sackhoff as adult Gigi. Who would play nu!Saavik?

  • I think we're seeing "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead" at Theater in the Round tonight. I saw the movie and read the play years ago, but I don't remember it that well. I'm in the mood for something Shakespeare-ish since I finished watching "Slings & Arrows" for the fourth time last night.
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