(no subject)

Jul 31, 2010 19:57

How is it August already? Craziness.

Fics for July:

Hair And Tentacles
ST AOS | all ages | Uhura/McCoy | 750 words | Nyota has always been vain about her hair, and can't resist when people ask if they can play with it. It doesn't matter if people are her friends' younger sisters or tentacled aliens.

A Tentacle Bedtime Story
ST AOS | all ages | McCoy | image-heavy, not much text | All he wanted was to relax and enjoy his coffee...

With Your Empty Smile and Your Hungry Heart
ST TNG | teen (assault/attempted rape) | Yar | 1,060 words | Turkana IV was going to kill her, she knew, if she didn't get out. Soon.

ST AOS | adult (disturbing stuff - see warnings) | Kirk, Spock, McCoy | 5,300 words | He wishes he could share it, this joy, this knowledge that he isn't alone anymore. (This is my favorite thing that I've written since April, and one of my favorite stories all year.)

Words, Words, Words
ST AOS | adult (sex) | Kirk/McCoy | 650 words | Kirk likes reciting Shakespeare during sex. Bones does not mind.

Wear Thee Better And Better
ST AOS | teen | Kirk/McCoy | 2,200 words | Kirk officiates his first wedding as Captain of the Enterprise. McCoy is surprisingly optimistic.

You Say That Now, But
ST AOS | teen | Sulu/Kirk | 1,070 words | Kirk's naive if he thinks nothing will change once he's promoted to captain. Sulu can't bring himself to disillusion him, though.


I am so much more awake today! I slept like eight and a half hours. I returned the truck. The directions Google Maps gave me were stupid - they made it sound like the Uhaul center was on Maplewood Ave, when in fact it was on a side street - which I drove right past. I tried to find my way back, but ended up lost and a friend had to come rescue me. *g* It took about an hour and a half, and I was so annoyed by the time I finally got there that I just dropped the keys onto the counter and said, "Take it, take it!!" The guy was amused. So, an hour and a half to find the stupid place, less than a minute to get rid of the truck. Then I spent the rest of the afternoon with the friend who'd rescued me, so that was nice.
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