fic: Consumed (Star Trek AOS)

Jul 09, 2010 21:56

Title: Consumed
Fandom: Star Trek AOS
Rating: Adult
Characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy
Contains: disturbing stuff (highlight to reveal) a lethal, mind-controlling parasite manipulates Jim into believing he's pregnant; involuntary (due to mind control) termination of said imagined pregnancy, including graphic description of surgery
Notes: Many thanks to ( Read more... )

fic: st aos: char.: mccoy, fic: 2010, fic: hc_bingo, fic: st aos: char.: spock, fic: st aos (star trek), fic: st aos: char.: kirk, fic: favorites

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thistlerose July 10 2010, 15:43:05 UTC
Eee, thank you *so* much! Your comment makes me very, very happy.

Oh, Jim, Jim. His crew is going to be very protective of him from now on, I think. I imagine his youth and comparative inexperience really contributed to his feeling of loneliness and isolation. As much as Winona loved him (and I'm sure she did - I want to believe she was a good-if-absent mother) I see him spending much of his youth fending for himself. Then suddenly, he's responsible for this amazing piece of machinery and the 800+ people aboard her. He didn't get to ease into the role the way TOS!Kirk did.

So, yeah. I'm glad you liked Sorcha. I thought about using Chapel in that role, but decided I wanted someone outside the core cast, who could still love him like a brother and inspire that healing twinge of sympathy at the end. And I wanted someone to sing to him in Irish. Just because. :)

I'm a librarian, not a doctor, but I'm thinking oxytocin was the dominant hormone in the cocktail the creature was feeding him.

Anyway, thank you again. As a big admirer of *your* writing, your compliment means a lot to me.


mijan July 10 2010, 16:02:03 UTC
Oh yes, Jim will certainly have a protective crew from now on, not that he didn't already. But maybe he'll see it more.

Shoot me for being a h/c addict, but I really wish I could peek into his recovery room to see what happens over the few days before they release him. Still emotionally gutted, guilty from letting the parasite go so far and not realizing what was actually happening to him, weak from his ordeal, tethered to a biobed for a few days while he tries to make sense of what happened. Oh Jim. *huggles him*

Oxytocin is a possibility, but who knows what alien chemicals were used. Really, it could be anything. Maybe the parasite released some chemicals, and his body was triggered to release others. It would be fascinating to map it out on a biochemical level. *grins*

Awwwww, thanks hun! *blushes* I just write what I enjoy, and hope a few other people like it, too. ♥


thistlerose July 10 2010, 16:37:26 UTC
Poor Jim. Originally, I was going to have his conversation with McCoy take a different direction. McCoy was going to ask Jim if he still trusted him - since I see Bones being quite haunted and disturbed by what happened, even though he made the only choice he could have - and Jim was going to want to say yes, but find himself unable to say it. But I felt like that would have made it sound like McCoy was making it all about his own pain. But maybe if I write an expansion. I'd like to explore McCoy and Spock's interaction while they wait for Jim to wake up, have them wonder how they can call themselves his friends when they totally missed the signs.

As for Jim, I think he'll be deeply worried about how his crew views him now. He's starting to understand that they really love him, but I don't think he'd be comfortable with any obvious signs of protectiveness - not after the way he behaved - and he does feel guilty - and after having Bones and Spock so close. Finding the balance is going to be hard.


mijan July 10 2010, 17:06:32 UTC
Oh yes, this fic has major psychological implications, and not just for Jim. I can tell you this much - if you explore it further, you'd definitely have at least one reader hanging on to your every word. :)


sparrington4me July 15 2010, 03:51:55 UTC
Oh I would definitely read this, but then I read all your stories and love them. This was awesome. H/C is my favorite, with or without sexytimes, although I prefer it with. Poor Jim. I want to hug him.


thistlerose July 15 2010, 14:20:25 UTC
Oh, thank you so much! :)

Hmm, I was thinking Jim might have nightmares involving Bones operating on him, which would have to be dealt with. I'm so mean.

I love h/c too. I love stories about strength in the face of adversity, and characters reaching out to and perhaps relying on each other. Sexytimes or not.

Oh, Jimmy. He needs hugs.


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