(no subject)

Feb 02, 2010 09:50

I love dealing with rude, belligerent students at 8 in the morning. Apparently, he complained to my boss and he's going to complain to the Dean of Students. O_o My boss says not to worry, so I'm not worried. I'm just curious about what he could possibly have said in his complaint.


I talked to someone about my schedule. The answer I got was essentially, "Someone had to be sacrificed, chickie, and that someone was you!" But she's going to try to ameliorate the situation as the semester settles.


I posted a couple of stories in the past couple of days, both ST:

The Pilgrim Soul in You (McCoy-centric with McCoy/Kirk, Spock/Uhura, and TOS!Spock/McCoy | teen | 7,500 words | gratuitous use of Yeats)

God Help You If You Are a Phoenix (Gaila & Uhura, canon ships | teen | 1,100 words | because the men don't have a monopoly on epic friendships)

I finally had a breakthrough on my km-anthology story, and now I have about 300 words. Whee! It's not going to be depressing, after all. And I've written about 700 words of a Winona-centric story, which I'm hoping to have completed before the end of halfamoon.


And it's snowing. And I want to go back to sleep.


Oh, that's nice: my boss just sent me an email telling me she'd read my report of the incident and that I acted in a mature and professional manner. So that's good. I just hope I don't have to deal with that particular student again.

Now to read about cataloging! Exciting!
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