(no subject)

Jan 15, 2010 09:41

Ow, my head. :(

I just could not stay asleep last night. Which is dumb because a friend came over before dinner and we walked around my neighborhood for like an hour, so I was tired. Dumb body. Dumb circadian rhythm.

One of my co-workers just led a group of about 20 four-year-olds through the library on a tour.


I ... kind of want one. They were so cute, omg. I haven't had a feeling like that in a good long while, and I still don't have any desire to be pregnant, but. Damn. (Quite possibly my ovaries were already aquiver from seeing these adorable pictures of John Cho and his son at ontd_startrek last night. O_O)


Angsty fic is growing in angsty leaps and bounds. It's 1/3 done, and about 2,000 words. I feel like I need to give it a happy-ish ending, since it's depressing me at the moment. But in a good way. I like it. I'm trying to keep it gen-ish, but that doesn't seem likely to hold, now that I've introduced Kirk into the narrative.



Also, I posted my first fic of 2010 yesterday:

Laundry Day
(ST: AOS, McCoy/Kirk*, Adult, 1,600 words of mostly fluff)


* I generally put the POV character first when I list primary pairings. Regardless of who's on top during sex. I'm just contrary that way.
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