(no subject)

Dec 27, 2009 10:43

After wibbling yesterday, I actually did sit down and rewrite the second sex scene in The Next Time You Say Forever. (And updated the chapter.) At present, I'm quite satisfied. More than I was before, and I only left it so long because I couldn't put my finger on what was wrong. I think I finally did: they're tired and still kind of shaken up. So, the new version takes that into account. It's also a bit more descriptive, a bit longer (to the tune of 500 words) and a tiny bit more banter-y. So. Yay.

I also wrote about 150 words of my Mirrim story. *g* She's such a brat, and that's one of the reasons I love her. She's going to get into so much trouble. And I don't think T'gellan's going to bail her out his time. Well, she's not going to let him. I honestly do not know where this is going, but sometimes that's the way that works.


I have recs too! From Yuletide. The treats are up, and OMG! I got two adorable "Order of the Stick" ficlets, both about Daigo! Whom I've adored (along with Kazumi) ever since he realized that just having a name increased his chance of survival. In Background Characters' Guide to Survival he gives a pep talk to some NPCs. In Rhymes With "Can-o-Data" he and Kazumi give some musical advice to Elan. They're both hilarious and could seriously be inserted seamlessly into the comic.


*g* The toast just popped and my cat jumped a whole foot in the air. Oh, Will.

recs: fan fiction

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