(no subject)

Dec 08, 2009 19:38

Not having the most fantastical day ever, but it's gotten better. *g* It's snowing, and the atmospheric pressure was giving me an intense headache. It's better now, but I'm still kind of twitchy. Then I got into a fight with my sister, which was inevitable, I suppose. I just ... until she gets her head out of her ass, I refuse to engage her. She's hurting people deliberately at this point, and I just can't deal.

Then a librarian patron bitched at me, even though I did everything right. *eyeroll* Whatever, people.

But, like I said, things are getting better despite the fact that the snow's still coming down and we're supposed to have a few inches and I have to go wait for the bus in two hours.

You guys seem to like Faithful Friends, and that thrills me to pieces. ♥ ______________________ ♥

And I've finished all but one of my finals. My website is working and looks decent, somewhat to my amazement. I've all but decided to blow off this one assignment. (Too much aggravation for 1 measly point. I just feel kind of guilty. And I can see my classmates still working on it over in the reference section. Of course, I happen to know some of them blew off other assignments, so.)

And my other patrons have been nice.

I think tomorrow I'm going to really get to work on my yuletide fic. (I wrote one sentence! Go me!) Then Thursday, it's final final time. :)

One and a half more hours behind the desk.

Also, I love my new green shirt. I think it's a flattering color.
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