My profile is full of snowflake cookies! (And cake! And red ribbons!) I ♥ you guys.
It's snowing. And I have to go out in it. Fooey. Oh, well. I think the plan is to meet a friend at the library so we can tackle the last Reference Services assignment together, and maybe halve the work. I'm so sleepy, though. I went to bed at 1 and woke up at 9:45, which should be sufficient, but apparently is not. At least my cats let me sleep almost the entire time. (
mijan, your suggestion was a good one.)
Encoding assignment is all but done. Yay! I just have to write two more mini-essays. Then I'll have about three full days to write my final Collections Management paper and I'll be DONE WITH THIS SEMESTER OMG. It's been kind of nuts.
Weather report says it's going to snow until Thursday. Well, so long as the roads are clear on Friday so I can drive to Minnesota for the weekend.