(no subject)

Jul 28, 2009 17:24

The first part of The Next Time You Say Forever (ST: Reboot, Kirk/McCoy, with a side of Spock/Uhura and special guest appearances by Miss Joanna McCoy and Spock Prime, Adult) is up. The whole fic is written, so don't worry that I'll drop the ball! I think I'll post two chapters a week, one Monday and one Friday.

Hmm, I guess all my OTPs get epics. Though I'm not sure six chapters constitutes an epic. Sven/Romelle had "Thick As Space, Cold as Blood," which is not available anywhere, thank goodness. Trowa/Quatre had the schmoopy Angels cycle thing, some of which is still available on-line... and on this journal! Sirius/Remus had Three Weeks Outside Time and all those Midnight Conversations that I should probably archive, but probably won't. Kirk/McCoy (which I would never have predicted before May, never in a hundred million years) get the above. *g* Which I'm really rather proud of at the moment. I'm only a little sorry I couldn't find a larger role for Uhura, though the Spocks (yeah, plural) have a lot to do. I owe Uhura a story.


I was in Minnesota this past weekend, meeting my mother's new dog and raiding the cupboards. (I forgot the chocolate mints. Rats!)

This is baby Alice. We're not sure what she is exactly. Probably Westie or Scottie, with...maybe some Jack Russell thrown in. In any case, she's sweet as pie and very much a terrier. She doesn't take any shit from the other dogs, who are several times her size.

And here's Charlie, who was just a little puppy a year ago:

Alice can totally hold her own against him:

And here's Emily:

My mom's garden is just a mess of black-eyed susans these days:

Minnehaha Falls is really just a trickle due to the lack of rain:

The first house in Minneapolis:

OMG, there's a tribble in my glove compartment! They get everywhere.

But Artoo is my co-pilot:

dogs, photos

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