(no subject)

Jul 27, 2009 09:23

- Heading back to Milwaukee in an hour or so. I have a feeling I will find my apartment in shambles, but I still miss my kitties.

- Realized (only recently??? what's wrong with me???) that I don't have an anthology of English language poetry. Got that remedied. *hefts 1000-page tome* The commentary is by Harold Bloom, who sometimes pisses me off - though I'm rather amused when he goes, "Okay, I HATE this guy, but I HAVE to include him in this anthology... because." At least he likes Andrew Marvell enough to include more than "To His Coy Mistress" (which is one of my favorite poems ever).

- Unless I have an attack of nerves, tonight I'll be posting the first (out of six) chapter of "The Next Time You Say Forever," which is the epic Kirk/McCoy fic of epicness that's been keeping me awake for the past month. Just fyi. And then I'll shut up about it.

- Eeee, I haven't seen the new "TrueBlood" yet! I don't want to watch it in my mother's house, where there are people... hovering.

- I understand there were a bunch of conventions recently. *g* I wondered why my flist was so quiet. Hope all of you who went had a fabulous time.
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