(no subject)

Jul 01, 2009 09:32

Livejournal, why aren't you working this morning??

I finished Dan Simmons's epic Fall of Hyperion last night. I liked the first book better, possibly because it was modeled on The Canterbury Tales, but Fall was still quite satisfying. I really like the characters, and it appears that I have a new favorite science fiction trope, which is the return to Earth - which may or may not be a nuclear wasteland by this point - after a diaspora. Whatever the reason (for leaving, for returning) it tends to make me rather wistful. Asimov did it in his Foundation series. I'm trying to remember where else I've seen it. (Well, Battlestar Galactica, sort of.) It has to be done in a certain way.


Oh, come on, Livejournal.

Yechh, I have to pack and clean the apartment and run errands and...stuff.

ETA: Seems to be working again! Yay.

Also, Happy Canada Day to my lovely upstairs neighbors!
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