(no subject)

May 03, 2009 19:11

So much for posting one ficlet a day. :P I have three left, and I'm starting to think they're going to have to wait until finals are over in approximately a week and a half.

Since only 8 were initially requested, and I did say I'd write 10, I'll take 2 more requests. The only stipulations are I won't write Harry Potter, and if you want a ship, it's gotta be a ship I like. Also, no more Dollhouse, please. I was totally happy to write "Bouquet," but I feel like my grasp of the characters is not strong.


Btw, at present, the decision is to let my paid LJ time run out, then get a paid DW account. I'll keep cross-posting, of course. So, you won't miss any of my fascinating whines. *g*


*sigh* Less than one page to go, and I'll have my quota for the day.
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