not to mention the guy looks like a fagtard
I just finished a bunch of math 81 homework. man, what a satisfying feeling. I'll be really glad when the class is over, though.
Only 3 more weeks of classes! so much anticipation. hey, who isn't going home over easter? we'll definitely need to hang out over our long weekend.
I've still gotta do my drama project and study a ton for my math 81 test on tuesday, but after that it should be ez going for a little whiles. I've figured out most of my exams are later in the week of exams, so I'm gonna have plenty of time to study (and procrastinate) before hand.
hopefully I'll get a lot accomplished this summer both physically and mentally. I plan on getting back into better shape + researching math / creative writing. And, of course, I'm playing WoW for better or for worse. And, there's the possibility of a job. who knows?!?!
alright, sleep time or something. :]