Since I keep forgetting that I have this journal, I think I'm going to do monthly digests from now on. Henceforth (or until I change my mind)
thistlefics is an archive.
Day OneFandom: Firefly
Characters: Kaylee, Mal
Rating: all ages
Summary: Kaylee can't quite believe her good luck. 375 words.
Said the Joker to the ThiefFandom: Gundam Wing
Character: Heero Yuy
Rating: all ages
Summary: There's got to be some way out of here. 327 words.
Everything Is Not EnoughFandom: Battlestar Galactica
Ship: Gaeta/Hoshi
Rating: all ages
Summary: Gaeta gets a little inebriated his first night on New Caprica. But everything works out well. For the time being. 446 words.
Sometimes You Dig Your OwnFandom: Dragonriders of Pern
Characters: Mirrim and Path (background Mirrim/T'gellan)
Rating: teen
Summary: Mirrim wonders where - or possibly when - she belongs. 917 words.
Some Fall On You Like A StormFandom: Battlestar Galactica
Characters: Starbuck and Helo (background Starbuck/Zak)
Summary: She can't outrun her guilt. Then again, she doesn't really want to. 290 words.
Second ChancesFandom: Star Trek XI
Rating: all ages
Characters: Jim Kirk, Winona Kirk
Summary: Sometimes you just have to hug it out. 425 words.
By What Power I Am Made BoldFandom: Voltron (I know, right?)
Rating: teen
Ship: Allura/Keith
Summary: The mice made them do it! 1,700 words.
Access DeniedFandom: Star Trek XI
Rating: teen
Characters/Ships: Kirk, Gaila, Scotty (allusions to Spock/Uhura, Kirk/Gaila, Scotty/Gaila - which is my new favorite thing)
Summary: In which Kirk is a tool, Gaila is right, and Scotty finds another excuse to say "ample nacelles." 812 words.
What Happens NextFandom: Star Trek XI
Rating: all ages
Characters: McCoy, Joanna
Summary: The softer side of Leonard McCoy. Such as it is. 620 words.
No Harm DoneFandom: Star Trek XI
Rating: teen
Characters: McCoy and Kirk (or McCoy/Kirk, however you prefer to read it)
Summary: Maybe he should have locked the window. 1,430 words.