*for later*

May 09, 2012 09:35

"Ooookay," Beetle said, narrowing her eyes, "I know I'm a vampire and I'm probably losing like some kind of undead points for this, but seeing Eli's cracked out grin on someone else's face is pretty damn creepy."

Isabelle nodded, a pleased smile spreading across her otherwise serene face. "She does have her father's smile."

"...uh yeah, considerin' Eli's over there with a 'I am going to totally fuck that' expression, that's kind of...ew."

Eli suddenly stood up, and true to Beetle's words the grin on his face was a match to the dark-haired woman's own. "Yeah, you two hens keep on cluckin'. Me, I think it's time I gave my girl a hand. She may be blood o'my blood and all, but she's still just a human kid. Be a damn shame if she croaked it before I got a taste."

Beetle made an annoyed noise deep in her throat. "What part of 'low profile' didn't you get?"

"The part where you assume I listen to anything either of you ever say." And with a leap he was gone, leaving Beetle to growl after him.

* * *

Not especially happy with it, but basically just wanted to get Beetle's first comment down.
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