Book #49 of 2016: Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality | 2016 book: The Iron Ship | LitRPG

Oct 11, 2016 08:39

Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality is a Harry Potter fanfic that's longer than all of the HP books put together. My rule for including fanfics in my 50 book/year goal was that I had to read it completely (where books read to the 50% point count) and it has to be longer than multiple books.

I've read and reviewed this book a couple times now, you can see my other reviews here and here. I love that fic so much, I'm ready to start it from the beginning again.


The Iron Ship by K. M. McKinley
Rating: Disliked (Hated-Disliked-Okay-Liked-Loved)

A very, very, very slow moving story set on an alien? fantasy? planet. The descriptions of the world itself were interesting, but nothing else hooked me, and I gave up on this one fast.


So apparently this new kind of book I like (people trapped in a videogame/MMO) is actually a genre. LitRPG. Handy that it has a label, since that will make it easier to find more books of the type. There's even a reddit sub for it!

book review, book: harry potter and the methods of ra, book: the iron ship, 2016 books

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