Weekly weight update

Jul 31, 2014 07:15

Just to keep things honest and keep a written record of what's happening: Yesterday was Official Weigh-In Day, and unfortunately I gained a pound and a half. I'm not panicking for two reasons: 1) My period is due today. Google tells me weight gain (water) is actually a real thing and not just a myth/excuse, so that might be what it is. 2) I've been eating the same as previous weeks, other than a Poptart mistake (400 calories) and one of my "final meals" on Friday (calorie-heavy fried chicken). I'm not blaming the chicken/Poptarts, as I weighted myself the day after and there was only a half-pound difference then.

If I don't lose the pound and a half (and hopefully more) next week, then I'll revisit the issue. It wouldn't be hard to cut my calories further of need be, but as of now, I'm going to keep on keeping on as-is.

Related note: Very disturbingly, I'm really coming to like rice cakes. They're the only form of bread (or rather, bread-like substances) I've had in three weeks now, other than two trips to Subway. (Edit: I'm not cutting bread out because it's bread, but because it's calories I don't need.)

Still missing fast food daily, which is wacky as I didn't enjoy it when I was eating it, just ate it because it was fast and easy. I'd KILL for McDonald's fries and a big Wendy's burger and and and and. I also very much miss the food blogs (fast food reviews, news of new items, etc) I used to follow, but I really do think they made me eat more of that kind of thing.


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