2014 book: Snow Blood

Jun 16, 2014 08:06

Snow Blood by Carol McKibben
Rating: 1/hated (1-5/hated-loved)
(Book received free for review from Troll River Publications.)

If you're going to write a first-person story told from the POV of a dog, you must be able to get a dog's voice right. Unfortunately Snow Blood failed badly at that.

From the first paragraph, I didn't believe we were hearing a dog think. As too often happens with animal POV books, the dog knew way too much. (How does a dog know what a vampire is? Why would he care to remember what city/state his family lives in? What the local mountains are named?) In addition, I didn't believe the dog's reactions to things. (After being tuned by the vampire, the dog sees the vamp drinking a wine glass full of something red. He thinks to himself 'That better not be blood or I'm going to be sick'. Why, when a dog will gleefully eat out of a cat's litterbox, would the idea of drinking blood bother him?)

There were more issues with the book than just the dog. Why did the vampire (the first/original/oldest vampire) take a dog named Snow and rename it Snow Blood?

"Hi, I'm Thistle, what's your name?"
"I'm going to call you John Pizza now, John!"

I really should have stuck with my policy of not reading vampire books.

I got less than 10% into Snow Blood, and while I do usually try to finish books (especially when given them for review), this one was just not at all working for me and there was no use continuing.

2014 books, book review, book: snow blood

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