"So, Lone Star, now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb."

Apr 30, 2014 08:10

Because I confused the movie Spaceballs with Meatballs, there's a Spaceballs quote for a post about cooking meatballs. Please join the line to the left if you'd like to file a complaint.

Related: Reading quotes from Meatballs when you were thinking you were reading about Spaceballs leads to much confusion. Quite a different tone to the movies!

Anyway, meatballs. After being unable to make them with the Blue Apron stuff, I was determined to do them on my own. How hard could it be? Meat. Balls. I can do both!

Dangerously, I worked without a recipe. The Blue Apron one had been so easy (meat + bread crumbs + spice, then fry), I figured I could do it myself just fine.

And for once I was right!

Hamburger meat + some Panko breadcrumbs (only kind I had) + salt, pepper, garlic powder, and Italian spices, then into what was probably a too hot pan. On one hand, it smoked worryingly, on the other, my meatballs were nice and crisp on all sides.

Because I was making them myself, I could make them how I like them. I hate big meatballs. And the giant ones? Ugh! To me, the crisp outside is the best and the inside is blah, so why not make them basically all outside? So I did! Nice and small little meatballs, crisp and good.

My only mistake was that I ate them all in one sitting. I had had two small hamburgers worth of meat, so it wasn't terribly excessive, but I had intended to save some for later. I'll probably make them again this coming weekend to use up the last of the (currently frozen) meat.

On an unrelated note, I hope I'm not getting sick. I haven't slept more than 3-4 hours a night since Saturday (bad sinuses, noisy neighbors all night and at 4 AM, and the damned birds chirp nonstop from 4:45 on). Now my throat hurts and my eyes burn. I hope it's just allergies. Knowing my medical record so far in 2014, if I get sick it'll likely be the Plague or Smallpox or Anthrax or something.


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