Quick update: Not dead

Apr 02, 2014 08:10

Happily I didn't freeze last night, though I can't say as much for Ellie New Cat. Poor girl kept trying to sleep on my bed, but I kicked her each time (not on purpose!). She bat-bat-batted my foot each time, then fled the bed.

I darned well hope I get heat back today. My apartment is really, really cold.

Sleep study is tonight! Eeek! But VERY HAPPILY I get to do it at home instead of sleeping there. I have an appointment today to pick up the equipment and learn how to use it, then use it tonight and drop it back tomorrow morning. Will take pictures if it's at all interesting! (This is my new icon for all things bariatric surgery-related. :D )

Also, I got my first Blue Apron box yesterday. (One of those services that sends you all the things you need to cook and directions on how.) The recipes are very long and I suspect I might not like any of them, but if not then hopefully next week will be better! I took pictures of all the stuff yesterday, but was so grumpy couldn't deal with editing them and writing up a post. When I cook the first meal, I will!

Happy Thing #13: I'm so behind on these! Alas it's not been a happy time this last, well, year. :P Anyway! The fanfic I'm reading makes me sooooo happy. Not only is it very well written, it does one of the things I really like: It doesn't rush! I'm about a book's worth into it (chapter 24 of 70-something), and the two main characters are barely friendly with each other. (In the canon one tried to kill the other, and the other tried to frame the first for a different murder -- total enemies!) I love it when enemies aren't in love by chapter two.

Happy Thing #14: They seem to have removed the candy bowls at work. They've been gone for a week now, so I kind of hope it's forever. On one hand, of course I love candy! Free and unlimited amounts! On the other, free and unlimited candy is hell on one's diet. I questioned adding this one as a happy thing, because it's sort of not happy too, but in the end I think I'm happier about it than unhappy. Yay not having to use my (very much lacking) willpower to resist free chocolate!

100 happy things, cooking, blue apron, rl, health: bariatric surgery

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