Another day, another book (and RL at the end)

Apr 23, 2013 17:47

If I had known my life was going to take this turn, I would have officially joined 50bookchallenge. We're still in April, and I just finished book #18. In 2012 I read 30 books total. It seems quite possible I might really hit 50 books this year!

Book #18: The Last Colony by John Scalzi.

The rule of this series seems to be: The further I get from the first half of the first book, the less I like the story. The first part of the first book was magic: We got to learn all the new tech, the characters, the new settings, everything was new and exciting. Of course you can't continue that through a whole book series. The latter half of book one and all of book two directly involved all those new things, so they were great fun. This third one moved further along the path (as a book series would have to do), and I was slightly less interested in things.

That's not at all to say this was a bad book! I read it in less than two days, with work and eye strain slowing me down. Heck, I read all three books of this series in six days; I haven't read books at this pace since I was a teenager. (With my then-young eyes I was able to read a book per day. I read those doorstop Clan of the Cave Bear books in a little over a day each.)

The next book in the series is Zoe's Tale, a retelling of this book's events through the eyes of the main characters' adopted daughter. I didn't overly like her in this book, so I'm a little worried how I'll like the book. In May a new book will be published, so perhaps the timing will be right to read it after Zoe's Tale. (Though to be honest, I wouldn't mind a pause between them. I'm feeling the need for a palate refresher.)

The reason for this sudden burst of reading time is the lack of WoW. I haven't shut my account down yet, but I only log on once or twice a day to restock the AH. (A pointless thing to do, but meh. It fills some time when I have nothing to do.) I still haven't filled the time-hole left by quitting the game, though I have some plans.

I'm intending to take up swimming. I'd like to spend an hour doing it a couple times a week. I'm currently waiting for my bathing suit to be delivered. (Yes, I mail ordered it. Risky!) I was going to join a gym or a pool club, but then I realized we have a pool in my apartment complex. If I'm going to embarrass myself by appearing in a bathing suit somewhere, I guess it might as well be for free? And this way we'll see if it's something I can stick with before I make too big of an investment of money.

By the way, have you shopped for a bathing suit lately? All the ones I saw were $130-$150. What the living hell?

So swimming would be some time-filled and some exercise, but there's another hole WoW leaves: Social contact. I'd like some of that, in an online format. (I see plenty of people at work; at home in the evening, online contact is my desired form.) I just don't know how/where/with who. A logical direction to look would be RP/a MU*, but I have zero drive for RP. (I suspect it might be because I haven't done any for so long -- when I don't RP, I don't want to RP.)

It wasn't very smart of me to teach my cat how to sit up and beg. Now she does it all the time, and it's so darned cute I can't help but give her a treat for it.

swimming, book review, 2013 books, rl, book: the last colony

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