Nothing like an annoyed grumbling in the morning (and breakfast)

Jan 16, 2013 07:57

On my short drive to and from work, I listen to NPR. Even if I don't agree with all the opinions expressed, I know it's still intelligently reported ( Read more... )

diet, political

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Comments 20

eglantine_br January 16 2013, 16:41:05 UTC
My feeling about breakfast is that you just put something in the tank. It does not matter what. Berries, bread, ice-cream, cereal, nuts... And if you eat before you brush teeth, you will not have any taste in your mouth but toothpaste after. Works for me, anyway.

I think you are totally right about the gun control thing.


thistle_chaser January 16 2013, 22:29:48 UTC
That's a good idea. I like brushing my teeth as soon as I wake up, but I'd have no issues at all with doing it again immediately after I eat.

I think 'eat something, anything' will likely be what saves me.


isyris January 16 2013, 16:43:03 UTC
Re breakfast things: have you tried making smoothies? Banana is pretty filling, as is peanut butter or yogurt or you can even add whey powder for extra protein, and fruity flavors may not stick with you as long as something heavier. You can even make them ahead and freeze individual servings in disposable plastic cups to thaw as needed.


thistle_chaser January 16 2013, 22:33:23 UTC
That's a good idea, especially making them ahead of time! Not only do I not like eating in the morning, I don't like having to bother cooking something.


isyris January 17 2013, 01:53:47 UTC
Taking the time to cook is what always gets me in the mornings! I haaaate it, and as a result I'm not as good about eating breakfast as I should be. If Jon doesn't make me a sandwich or some oatmeal and literally put it in my hands, I don't eat until after noon.

Another cook in advance option I've heard of, but not tried, is making a week's worth of good oatmeal in advance and heating it up in the mornings. That takes real dishes, though!

ETA: This post here! Lots of make-ahead ideas, and the comments have some great ideas too.


thistle_chaser January 17 2013, 02:37:12 UTC
Wow, some of those ideas are really good. I keep wanting to try steel-cut oatmeal, it's so often mentioned in these lists!


changeling72 January 16 2013, 17:13:39 UTC
I do get the impression that the gun culture in the US is very different to the thinking here. We don't have a right to bear arms and it's rather unusual for anyone to own a gun. Trouble is, the people who would use guns use knives instead, but I guess it's easier to do more damage with a gun?

I eat throughout the day when I'm at work, but far less at home. I think it's complulsive in the office.


thistle_chaser January 16 2013, 22:35:12 UTC
Yeah. If someone showed up at a movie theater with a knife, how many people could they kill? Compared to an assault rifle (machine gun)? Which happened here not too many months ago.

And same. We have food all over the place at work. It's too bad it's all bad stuff... (Now and then we get fruit, but it's always badly bruised and over or under ripe.)


kamalloy January 17 2013, 02:08:05 UTC
What are your feelings on granola bars? I usually have those, a yogurt, and a glass of orange juice in the morning. No cooking required, and not too much prep work.


thistle_chaser January 17 2013, 02:41:45 UTC
I love them! The problem is my sugar; I haven't found a low carb/calorie one yet. Most of them are sadly packed with sugar. I often have a fiber bar for breakfast, which is sort of the same thing? :P


kamalloy January 17 2013, 03:11:29 UTC
You make a good point. I tend to eat low-sugar lunches and dinners, so my balance is different. Plus in my case I am lazy and want to sleep in and thus eat something really fast. ;p


thistle_chaser January 17 2013, 04:06:33 UTC
That makes sense! I try to save my sugar for snacks and such, since I have a hard time resisting those.


spike7451 January 17 2013, 11:58:28 UTC
I really hope that the U.S. somehow gets some stricter gun laws. We had a terrible mass shooting here many years ago now and the gun laws were changed pretty damn quick. But then there is nothing like the NRA in Australa!

Not a breakfast person myself, coffee was ususally my breakfast choice but as I get older I realise it is important and have been making sure I eat it now. Doesn't mean I like it though. lol.


thistle_chaser January 17 2013, 14:46:53 UTC
I hope so as well, but I doubt it will happen. The NRA is too strong. There are too many pro-gun people in this country. :/

And agreed! I may never like it, but so long as I eat breakfast, that's all I ask of myself.


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