The Thistle-Chaser LJ Christmas Tradition

Dec 22, 2012 17:24

(Thank you for eating this post, LJ. I'm really getting tired of this.)

Anyway! To repeat myself! Welcome to year four(?) of this holiday tradition: Allow me to link you to the best Christmas video you'll see all year!

Little Taiko Boy, a Japanese safe sex video set to Little Drummer Boy, featuring the condom fairy!

image Click to view

Come, they told me (pa rum ba dum dum)
But never, ever in my rump (pa pum pum)
It’s so much safer to come in a con-dom
Or let’s just masturbate
For it can be fun
You can still come
On my tum tum

Warning for NWS lyrics (duh? :P ).

In all seriousness, in case I don't post again in the next few days, happy holidays everyone! May all your wishes come true, especially if it's a wish for the LJ site to work.

things that amuse thistles, videos, christmas

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