Oh how I miss the West Wing. But the cast got together to make a PSA! It's so great to see the old faces again, and the music at the end! Such memories. :) The one small thing I didn't like was the joke at exactly a minute in, but that's a minor thing.
There seems to be no way to embed it, so you'll need to click:
See it here! [Left for Aen wherever in the house he does business. It's folded and sealed, with 'Magister' written on the outside in Thistle's handwriting.]
I didn't want to forget anything, so I'm writing this down instead of waiting until we can meet.
I spoke to Tarin again tonight. I found out the things you wanted to know.
You wanted to know where Traejan is now. He's living with her. They live in their family home, in Eversong.
You asked what her feelings are about the apprenticeship. She said she felt that she got lucky that he didn't train her. (The Highlord got angry about something and stopped talking to her, so he didn't put her with anyone to train. He never talked in her head.)
You asked about how she felt about the Highlord's beliefs, if she knew them. She had wanted to work with him because she wanted to help the undead. (She still wants to.) But she doesn't want to hurt the living to do so. She had thought the Highlord was doing good work, that he was helping, but now she knows better.
I asked her if she'd go back to him now, if he wasn't dead. I asked if she'd take the training now if he offered it. She said no. She now knows that he hurts people and he can't be trusted.
We're going to meet for tea again (if that's okay). If you want to know anything else, I can ask her then.