I can't explain my brain (RL)

Sep 07, 2011 21:51

It's been a wacky 24 hours food-wise.

As I mentioned yesterday, my usual ever so exciting boneless, skinless chicken breast wasn't thawed for dinner, so I had to eat a microwaved TV dinner. It was awful. It didn't fill me up at all, I was hungry even after I finished eating, let alone six hours later when I was going to bed.

I live in a first world country. I have a kitchen full of food. But I could not sleep last night because I was so hungry.

How stupid is that? I didn't want to get up and eat, I was trying to sleep! I didn't want to have to brush my teeth again. So many stupid excuses, but it all added up to little sleep.

Woke up exhausted this morning, ready to eat my cat. Exercising was out (BOO), I just wanted to eat (plus I felt like crap for multiple reasons). So on the way to work I got a breakfast sandwich. Yay!

...boo. I was full enough from the bigger than usual breakfast that I didn't want lunch, plus I was too tired to bother eating, so I skipped it. Stupid, stupid me.

So of course at work I was soon starving. Totally my own fault, all of it.

I got a snack (which ended up being way too big to be a snack) on the way home, then ate a late-ish dinner. I'm not starving now (yay!) and hopefully I'll now be back on a proper meal schedule.

This isn't a lesson that I didn't already know. Eat a good meal on a regular basis. Eat snacks, they're both okay and important! Don't skip meals! We know this, brain, so let's not do this again, okay?

Now to go to bed early and try to catch up on a little of that lost sleep.

diet, food

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