Hot hot hotzzz

Mar 30, 2011 21:51

It's 10 PM, do you know where your AC is?

Nearly 10, and it's 78 in my apartment. *melts* Winter's coming back soon, right? What? It's seven months away? D: Yesterday I had the heat on, today I have the AC on! (Just for a few minutes to cool things off before bed.)

On a nicer note, I keep reading this little comic over and over and it makes me happier every time! Eee love! So sweet!

And lastly, my cat is trying to eat my sofa. I've been suspecting this for a while, but I finally caught her chewing on it today. If one day I come home to find no sofa and yet a sofa-shaped cat, I'll know what happened. (But more seriously, it's leather, so I guess she likes the taste? She finds a fold near the top of it and chewchewchews away at it. I correct her when I'm home, but she's at home alone a lot... I hope she doesn't damage it or make herself sick or something.)

hot-hot-hot, random, el, cats rule and dogs drool

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