omgwtfbbq mandarin oranges

Feb 02, 2011 08:11

Okay, you little oranges, listen up! I'm tired of you going moldy just days after I buy you! Last week I bought you on Saturday and by Tuesday you all had mold. This week you made it to Wednesday. I bought from a different stall at the farmer's market this week, one that sold nothing but citrus, so I thought I'd get higher quality and you'd last!

Same thing with you, apples from the all-apple booth. What's with the mold! :| *shakes fist at*

Stupid fruit, I cannot eat you when you are moldy, and I buy you to eat. See the issue here?

Mandarin oranges are wonderful oranges -- you can eat them at the computer! They peel easy as pie and they're not messy at all. They're my new favorite fruit. I know apples can be stored in the fridge, but I didn't think citrus was supposed to be? How the heck do I keep them from getting moldy!

Are my fruit expectations just off? Is fruit not supposed to last more than a couple days? Am I unreasonable to want my non-refrigerated citrus and refrigerated apples to last a week?

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