November 6: Nano Haiku (Soup, 2012)

Nov 06, 2010 15:59

Cooking chicken soup
Much harder than it should be
Second time: failure

Blah. Blah, I say! I'm not sure how chicken-in-stock can come out to be 'not soup', but somehow mine did. I'm not sure what makes soup soup, but 'meat and veggies in broth' doesn't always seem to make soup. Or at least, not good soup.

I didn't buy garlic because I had an open container of minced, an unopened container, and a vacuum-packed "fresh" pack of it. Somehow all three of them went bad, so I didn't have garlic for it. tersa had suggested thyme, which I had been certain I had, but I was wrong.

So the soup had chicken (breasts and drumsticks), a whole container of stock (store-bought), sauteed onions, and carrots. After six or so hours of cooking, I tasted it and added salt and garlic powder.

I think I give up on soup! I have some chicken breasts left, so next weekend I'll try something else.


I watched the movie 2012. The summer blockbuster about the world ending. It was an outstanding special effects movie, but a really bad movie. Stupid characters. The effects must have been something to watch on the big screen, but stupid characters acting stupid really take away a lot of the enjoyment. (Yes, after the entire world agrees to a plan, they ALL change it based on one character making a speech. ARG! *rips hair out*)

cooking, nano (haiku version), movie: 2012

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