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kaelash November 3 2010, 16:24:59 UTC
I am ever amused how we get called the party of hate while liberals can get away with calling women running for office bitches and whores and not get a single reprimand. If a conservative anyone called a liberal woman either of those things their career would be -over-.

Mind you, not saying there isn't hate on the right, but it's really not fair to paint one party that way when the other is just as guilty. See: our beloved leader calling republicans 'the enemy' and telling us to sit in the back of the bus. Coming from someone that now proudly struts the race badge, that's really rich. Really damn rich. Shall we get into all the times we're called fascists and nazis? That's pretty hateful, too. :/

What's good for the goose is good for the gander and all.


thistle_chaser November 3 2010, 16:44:47 UTC
I am ever amused how we get called the party of hate while liberals can
get away with calling women running for office bitches and whores and not
get a single reprimand.

Who called a woman a bitch or whore and it went without comment? When?

Mind you, not saying there isn't hate on the right, but it's really not fair to paint one party that way when the other is just as guilty.

I wouldn't have commented on it at all, if it wasn't for the other day. That Rand Paul supporter who basically curb stomped a woman for disagreeing. He stomped on her head. With a booted foot. That's so wrong and bad and mean... (And yeah, that was Tea Party, but it stuck with me and made me more sensitive to this.)

That being said, there's hatred on the left, too. I hate the right. I hate how they're trying to take rights away from everyone else. I hate how they treat religion not just like fact, but attempt to force it onto everyone else. Only their religion, mind you, there's no room at all for others. I could go on and on.

Shall we get into ( ... )


kaelash November 3 2010, 17:57:54 UTC
I'll give you links to the bitch/whore comments when I get home, phone is sucking and work is busy :/ these were public-eye people. Not supporters at a rally. Supporters on both sides are fucking crazy when they get extreme.


thistle_chaser November 3 2010, 18:46:39 UTC
Supporters on both sides are fucking crazy when they get extreme.

Both sides and people on neither side! Crazy people are crazy. And scary.


thistle_chaser November 4 2010, 00:07:07 UTC
o.O Jerry Brown's aide was called out. It went on for weeks. And how are you defining "liberals", anyone who is left wing? Joy Behar is a comic and a host on some talk show. If we're playing that game, we have a crapton of right wing talk show hosts who outright lie and endlessly insult people. We bring Beck and Rush Limbaugh into this, and your side will become undefendable. :)


kaelash November 4 2010, 01:19:14 UTC
I'm not saying Beck and Limbaugh are faultless. Frankly those two are a little too right-wing-fear-mongering for me. I'm also not saying there's not lies and name-calling on both sides, I'm more concerned about the fact we've gone into public cussing at people. x_x

I've heard not one peep about those guys getting in trouble, maybe I'm catching the wrong newscasts. Called out is one thing, but you can't tell me that if Beck or Limbaugh or Hannity or O'Reilly called a democrat woman a bitch or a whore that they wouldn't lose their jobs. c_c

And liberals are usually democrats/left-wing, yes.


thistle_chaser November 4 2010, 01:55:44 UTC
I'm more concerned about the
fact we've gone into public cussing at people. x_x

o.O? "Gone to"? This isn't exactly something new. How long has Limbaugh been using the phrase "Feminazi"? Decades? We're used to it on this side. Unfortunately you'll eventually get used to it, too. ;) "Whore" isn't exactly a curse, either.

And liberals are usually democrats/left-wing, yes.My point in asking that had been that you included Joy Behar in that mix. She's not part of the political system at all. If we're calling in all people on either side, then we have to include the whole of Fox Network and all others on TV or anywhere. I think you'll find a heck of a lot more cursing and insulting (including many many racial slurs) on the right side than the left, if we could somehow track every member of either side ( ... )


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