Good doctor, bad Warcraft porn

Mar 17, 2010 08:34

Every time I go to see my doctor, I always leave her office saying how much I like her. She has to be the most positive person in my whole life. She tells me how proud she is of me (no one says that to me but her!) and how well I'm doing. She's also fond of telling me she believes in me and that this is the year good things will happen health- ( Read more... )

porn, rl, wow, medical

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fealubryne March 18 2010, 03:18:30 UTC
His crotch had a five o'clock shadow!

Best. Line. Ever. I laughed my butt off when I read this.


fealubryne March 18 2010, 03:29:41 UTC
Oh. And all that reminded me of something you may or may not find amusing. Definitely not safe for work, if the URL isn't obvious enough:

Some are just plain weird, and some amuse the heck outta me. I'm still trying to figure which of my current icons to replace with my, "I love you, magic fish." icon.

And also, completely unrelated, have you ever heard of The Twelve Kingdoms? It's both a series of novels (that's not quite finished being translated into English - four are out so far) and an anime. I'd HIGHLY suggest checking them out if you're looking for something to do, but I'd definitely read the books first. And don't let the first bit of the book/first five or six episodes of the anime put you off. Both start out a little dry, but once they pick up they're fantastic. Given the other stuff you're into I think you'd get a kick out of it.


thistle_chaser March 18 2010, 16:00:00 UTC
Ha! I'll have to check that out from home!

Hmmmmm, I'm pretty sure I saw the anime (long time ago, back when I first started getting into it). I wonder if I have it burned to a CD? Otherwise I can download it again! Thanks for the rec!


veloxe March 19 2010, 05:32:03 UTC
Wow...that's one hell of a site. I got some good laughs out of it. Although I'd have to go with as my favourite so far XD


fealubryne March 19 2010, 15:35:37 UTC
*cackles* Yeah, it's funny... in a bizarre and twisted sort of way.

I loved the ones about the vikings (that's actually how I found the comic to begin with) and showed them to Alex since he likes to carry on about how "Vikings are the manliest dudes EVER!"

Manly dudes indeed...

I still think my favorite is the magic fish one. Or possibly the "Hilting" one...


veloxe March 20 2010, 03:01:22 UTC
I laughed pretty good at the couple about the girl born into the tribe of only men and then thrown into the wolf pit.


thistle_chaser March 22 2010, 04:29:53 UTC
Now that I'm home, I can look at that. HA! I love it! I've had them bookmarked for a while now! :D


thistle_chaser March 18 2010, 15:58:43 UTC
*laughs* :D


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