Still alive (barely)

May 07, 2009 08:46

Haven't posted in a while. Still sick. Blah. Head's full, ears are full... how can one head be so full of gunk?

I got the name thistlechaser on Dreamwidth. No, I don't think LJ is about to close. No, I don't expect the whole of fandom to actually move there. Yes, I think this is the 'every couple years all of LJ panics and gets ready to move elsewhere' thing. Unlike the last two times, this time I grabbed my name just because... well... the invite system made me want one. An invite, I mean. ("What do you mean, everyone else has one and I can't have one? D: D: D: " )

(EDIT: I'm told the below picture is a spoiler, so don't click if you want to avoid them!) I haven't watched Heroes in many seasons, and I have no idea who these two are, but wow this picture is hot (totally work safe). Text not by me, whole image comes from fandom_secrets. Such a simple image, but it totally works for me.

Hit 74 in WoW (finally). I think it'd be hard to level slower than I do (one level a week, maybe). My only goal on my main character is 77 so I can fly in Northrend (need 3K more gold and three levels) -- at least the good part about XPing slowly is I can make money faster (I think).

Logged onto FFXI long enough to message my Dynamis leaders to let them know I was basically going on break. I had intended to keep attending until I turned my account off (after the mog lottery thing), but I don't care anymore. (What's getting the last pieces I need to complete sets so I can store them and get space back matter when I don't play?)

RP on WoW is going well. Short short short short poses kill me (especially when I give in and do them as well), but at least I can generally get RP every day, which counts for a whole lot. RP is like some kind of a drug -- the more you get, the more you want need.

That's about it, I guess. Anyone want a runny nose? *sniffles*

hot-hot-hot, wow, random

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