Feb 24, 2005 14:51
Okay, I just have a few things I need to get off my chest. I HATE LAST CALL WITH CARSON DAILY!!! This is the worst form of television. I gave him a chance. I thought a year ago, when I saw his show, that he might improve. So I decided to check back a year later. It's worse. Not only does this man have no personality, he now has a desk. The only thing I liked about the show a year ago was the fact that there was no desk! It felt new, and intimate, and now it's gone. I've given Carson a chance. I watched last nights show, and the night before, and they were both just horrible. Perhaps the problem is not the show, just the fact that it follows Conan. You can't beat Conan. I laughed out loud at 1am more than once last night. Which leads me to the second part of this post...
I LOVE CONAN O'BRIEN!!! Call me Irish if you must, but his show is hilarious. Be it the little things that he does all the time, ("Keep cool, my babies!") or some of the skits on the show, he is flat out hilarious. I love it. Take last night for example. They did a little video skit with Triumph, The Insult Comic Dog. It was brilliant. Triumph was nominated for a Grammy this year for best comedy album. Like that album or not, he was hilarious last night. Interviewing Celebs on the carpet, watching the show, pooping everywhere. It was great. I would like to share a few Triumph moments I saw last night...
While talking to lesser nominees, in this case, the winner for best Polka song:
T: "Wow, so you won a Grammy for best Polka song...
Polka Guy: Yes, that's right.
T: Wow, that's great... So, what do you do for a day job?
While talking to Winner of Best Native American song:
T: So you won best Indian song?
Indian Guy: (nods)
T: You know, your music must really suck. I mean, if it were any good, the white man would have stolen it by now.
Still talking with Indian:
T: Did you hear that Christina Aguilera got engaged over the weekend?
I: (no response)
T: Yeah, I downloaded her new Cd, and my iPod broke out in a painful rash...
I: (no response)
T: You know, from venereal diseases...
I: (no response)
T: Because she's a slut
I: (no response)
T: Surely you know of VD...
I: (no response)
T: I give up.
Talking with Aaron Carter
T: So, wow, how old are you now?
AC: I'm 17.
T: Wow, you've got a lot of years left in your career to make more crappy music huh?
Talking with Green Day
T: Hey! It's The Green Day! You guys are like Blink 182, but not as gay!