May 01, 2006 18:36
no fucking way. O.O
i saw it and it made me cry a little i was so excited about it.
also they have some new Invader Zim tees! good thing i have a check waiting for me at home. *squees*
news for today.
got up and had to go have a CT scan.. bleh.. with Iodine dye. so anyone know what that means? *drumroll* another fucking IV.. the needle for this one seemed a bit bigger cause it left a nice looking hole/red mark. :(
and that Iodine dye? I could've definatly done without that.. that shit makes your whole body feel like you're on fire.. i thought i was going to pass out.
gah.. after that I had to go get blood drawn. again.
my poor poor arms.
then it was off to talk to the Cardiologyst. who said that he didn't see anything wrong with my heart. nice.
anyway. my next appointment wasn't until like 4 something and it was only like 10..
so we went to find something to eat...
i swear.. when it comes to food.. i adore cheap stuff. I found this little dinner place that had french fries and Grilled cheeses together for like $3.
French Fries and Grilled Cheeses are my guilty pleasure.. but they have to be diner fries.. not fast food fries.. there is a difference.
anyway we ate.. then decided that was too much time ot waste, so we came back here. and i slept until john called and woke me up. O.o it was nice though.
i don't think we could ever run out of things to say to each other.
i did find out though that someone is messing with his e-mail. so he's not getting my e-mails. and that someone is saying shit that i've supossedly said.
i will say this once. Shay. stop fucking lieing. anyone who knows me, knows i wouldn't say something like "gawd, i wish everyone else would die,so me and him could be alone together" pfft. i tell you what i told him. I know that if i wanted him alone badly enough, all i would have to say is: "Hey john, lets go somewhere and talk." *shrug* simple as that. Cause even though you may have doubts about your friends.. which some of them.. you probably should. I have no doubt in my friendship with any of the people he hangs out with. so. i don't wish any of them dead. Oh. and if you want to believe that things have happened between me and him, go ahead and believe it. *shrug* not my problem. you should keep your nose out of other people's business and leave John alone, and stop making things up.. i swear all that comes out of your mouth anymore is lies.
ok sorry about that rant.
yeah. blah.
its been real rainy here.. and i think i may be getting sick. ;_;
but i'll update more later.
Spermy & Sked! i miss you guys. we will rock out soon.
ps. i bought two new naughty books. ^_^