Oct 28, 2005 03:31
so far this week has been pretty awesome. ill review.
MONDAY - hung out at damien's house with him til about 8. we went to my house and he checked his myspace and all that good shit while i took a shower and got ready. while doing that, knives, cross, and fiend stopped by. we went back to knives' house and sat around talking shit while knives, damien, and fiend waited to get tattoos done by this tattoo artist who jeremy's brother new. a little while later, melissa came over. around 3 something, cross, fiend, and i went home.
TUESDAY - went to night school, which absolutely sucked because i'm really started to dislike it. i'm getting to used to this routine. plus most of the people i started with that i actually liked are gone or just stopped coming. afterward, i went to melissa's house and everyone was there getting ready to go to fetal fetish, so i decided to go also. it was alright. it was definitely better than the first time i went to it. after that was over, rose gave me a ride home and that was it.
WEDNESDAY - hung out with jamie, britt, and jess like usual. before jamie went and picked up jess, him, britt, and i went to discount music center because i wanted to play on this synth. i can't wait to get that fucking thing, it's so awesome. after that, we came back to my house, i ate a cookie and gave one to jamie, then we went and got jess. then we went to park ave cds. i wanted to buy quite a few cds but i didn't have the money so i just said fuck it. we left park ave then went to find surgeon masks for my halloween custom. after going to three stores, i finally found some at cvs. we went to take britt home then everyone came back here. i decorated my mask with fake blood. after i ate, we took jess home and she let me borrow her wings. we went to ibar and that was fucking awesome.
THURSDAY - went to festival bay. finally bought something after going there practically every day for the past two weeks. went to rayvan's hotel room and hung out with her, damien, knives, cross, and fiend. damien was getting his tattoo finished and rayvan was getting a new one. i left before knives got his other one. damien gave me some kickass posters though. fuck yes.
so that was my week so far. HAHA.
peace out boy scout