Sep 27, 2005 18:22
last weekend was good. i went to this party on friday. i saw msi, retard-o-bot, and suicide city on saturday. saturday night i chilled with my brother alex, his friend noelle, and nixon at my house til sunday. on sunday, i got to chill all day, which was good.
so far, this week has been alright. nothing too eventful has happened. but seeing how it's only tuesday, i guess there is hope for the rest of the week. i'm supposed to be spending the entire day tomorrow with jamie and jena. however, i am also supposed to go to winter haven to pierce my friend noelle's lip. so i'm gonna see how that is supposed to work. lol.
hmmm, well i guess since i'm in night school right now, i'll go and finish my work.
peace out boy scout